Street Department
What we do at the Streets Department
The mission of the Shipshewana Street Department is to provide the Town of Shipshewana with a maintained and safe transportation system. We seek to render cost effective and competent service to the citizens of Shipshewana, striving to be responsive to the citizen’s requests and concerns and handle them in a timely manner. Our mission is to maintain City owned items within the public Right of Way, including the street, signs, snow removal, minor street repair, leaf pick-up and street sweeping.

What we do at the Streets Department
The mission of the Shipshewana Street Department is to provide the Town of Shipshewana with a maintained and safe transportation system. We seek to render cost effective and competent service to the citizens of Shipshewana, striving to be responsive to the citizen’s requests and concerns and handle them in a timely manner. Our mission is to maintain City owned items within the public Right of Way, including the street, signs, snow removal, minor street repair, leaf pick-up and street sweeping.