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October 24, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes



OCTOBER 24, 2019  6:00 P.M.


Roger D. Yoder Council Room

345 N. Morton Street

Shipshewana, IN  46565

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:  C. Arlene Lazzaro, Elmer J. Mast, Joshua A. Weimer, Zachary J. Stoltzfus, Tad T. Hite.

POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT:  Written reports for the month of July, August and September were submitted for Council review.  It was reported that things continue to be busy, the Department is finishing training for the year, and a big Police/Amish youth event will be held at the Cove tomorrow.

OLD BUSINESS:  The Multi-Hazzard Mitigation Plan is still under review.

CEDIT RESOLUTION:  The Town Council unanimously passed A RESOLUTION AMENDING AND EXTENDING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN OF THE TOWN OF SHIPSHEWANA AND SPECIFYING THE USES OF REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED BY THE TOWN OF SHIPSHEWANA FROM THE IMPOSITION OF LOCAL INCOME TAXES FOR LAGRANGE COUNTY INDIANA.  The motion was passed by roll call vote as follows:  AYES:  C. Arlene Lazzaro, Elmer J. Mast, Zachary J. Stoltzfus, Joshua A. Weimer, Tad T. Hite.  NAYS:  – 0 – ABSTENTIONS: – 0 – A motion passed suspending the rules for a second reading of all Resolutions.         

NEW BUSINESS:  THE NEXT LEVEL TRAILS GRANT APPLICATION (PUMPKINVINE TRAIL):  With the award of this State Grant the Pumpkinvine Trail will be extended from CR 850 into Town and end at CR 735.  The estimated cost of the project is $1,350,660.00 which means that the Town Match will be $270,132.00.  November 1st is the deadline to file for this grant.  Notification of the grant award will not be until January 2020 at the earliest.  Possible construction dates are May to November 2020.   

MOTION:  A motion passed to apply for The Next Level Trails Grant through the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and authorized the Council President to sign the Town of Shipshewana Financial Commitment and Support letter for the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail Extension committing to a Town Match of $270,132.00 one half paid from CEDIT Funds and one half from Food & Beverage Tax Funds.

It was noted that there is a proposed INDOT project for 2021 to widen SR 5 starting at US 20 going North through Town.  The hope is to tie in the SR 5 Sidewalk project with the INDOT project.  Preliminary engineering work is being done now for sidewalks from the Blue Gate Hotel. 

Z. Stoltzfus asked Arlin Lambright to ask questions and express concerns regarding the Pumpkinvine Trail extension.  A. Lambright requested reassurance that money would be available for screening, berms, and trees, and that all this would all be in place by the time the trail is completed.  It was pointed out that the property is not currently owned by the Town and firm commitments could not be made until the property is owned by the Town.  The first step is to meet the grant submission deadline, once the Town knows if they have received the grant further discussions can be held.

ELECTRIC SERVICE & PICNIC TABLES (NEW PARK PAVILION):  Quotes for the picnic tables will be presented at the next Council meeting.  A quote for electric service to the new Park Pavilion from Middlebury Electric Inc. was presented to Council for consideration.  The quote includes installation of a cabinet, LED lights, and outlets at a cost of $8,870.00 and would be paid from the Food & Beverage Tax Fund.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the quote from Middlebury Electric, Inc. in the amount of $8,870.00 for electric service for the new Park Pavilion. 

PAY REQUEST APPROVAL:  No construction pay requested were received for approval at this meeting.

CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATES:  Blacktop work for the Public Restroom project is scheduled for next week, the restrooms should be completed in early 2020.  The sidewalk on SR 5 from Berkshire Drive to US 20 has been completed and the new lift station is in operation.  Middlebury Street is done, Morton Street is making progress and expected to be done by November 1st.  The alley by Town & Country Hardware should be done next week.  The drainage issue by the Davis Mercantile should be addressed by November 6th.    The Town has been awarded $720,000.00 through the Community Crossings Grant program which will allow us to finish E. Middlebury Street to the eastern Town limits next year. 

LIGHT PARADE UPDATE:  The light parade will be held on November 9th, and the SRMA is working on getting insurance coverage for the parade.  The Town will provide parking for this event at the Soccer Fields and Ball Diamonds.  Last year the Town hired two vans to bus people from the parking areas to the up-town area.  This year we would like to hire 3 vans at $500 per van and rent 3 port-a-pots. 

MOTION:  A motion passed authorizing the Town Manager to hire 3 vans and 3 port-a-pots for the Light Parade at a cost not to exceed $2,500.00 to be paid from the Community Promotion appropriation.

MOTION:  A motion passed authorizing the use of the ball diamond bleachers on Middlebury Street for the tree lighting ceremony.

EMPLOYEE REVIEW:  The Town Manager reported that Buildings & Grounds Superintendent, Mike Nieman has completed his 6 – month probationary period and has received a positive review.

MOTION:  A motion passed accepting the positive six -month review for the Buildings & Grounds Superintendent which results in a 50 cent per hour raise retro-active to October 15th

FINANCIAL REPORT:   A request for approval of the Claims Register along with the September 26th and October 10th Memoranda was made.  A reminder was given that there will be a Public Hearing for Additional Appropriations at the November 14th Council meeting, which is the only scheduled meeting in November.

MOTION:  A motion passed approving the October 24th Claims Register along with the September 26th and the October 10th Memoranda as submitted.

TOWN MANAGER REPORT:  Council Members were reminded that Request For Proposals will be presented for Council consideration at the November 14th Council meeting.  Leaf pick-up has begun and will go through November 30th.   Council may want to consider scheduling a second November meeting depending on the number of items that need to be addressed before the Town Manager’s vacation.

It was reported that the light at the south end of Berkshire Drive is gone.

MOTION:  A motion passed to adjourn the meeting.

_______________________________________              ________________________________________

Tad T. Hite, Council President                                               Zachary J. Stoltzfus, Council Vice-President

_______________________________________              ________________________________________

C. Arlene Lazzaro, Council Member                                     Elmer J. Mast, Council Member


_______________________________________               _______________________________________

Ruth Ann Downey, Clerk-Treasurer                                      Joshua A. Weimer, Council Member